Hi, my name is Niko.

| About Me

Nice to 'e-meet' you! I am Niko, I came from ITALY in 2018.
I am a Software Engineer! by nature very curious and always interested in working to bring new, cool ideas to life. I am an amitious and determined individual, I started a couple of businesses of my own and I am happy to have gained lots of experience giving me quite a unique perspective that translates very well in what I do. I love solving problems. Is what truly excites me and programming allows me to do what I love every day. I have been in the tech industry since 2011 and have been professionally programming since 2020.
If I am not developing stuff for the web you'll find me e-racing, cooking or playing guitar!

Fun facts & interests:

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| Tech I've been using

| Some things I've built

GENNA - Generative Art

Users can create a profile and start generating images either by prompting specific text or being guided by an AI process. Built using DALL-E API, chatGPT API and Cloudinary API, React, MongoDB, Express and Node.js.



Users can create/save/ and find recipes from a database.
React, React routing, REST API , Cloudinary API Node.js, CSS, JavaScript(ES6), bootstrap, express.js, mongoDB.


Netflix Impostor

Netflix inspired responsive web app, for project I've used React, TMDB's API, HTML, ES6, JavaScript and CSS


Online store

e-bay inspired web app, includes features like: pop-up script that shows purchase details of a popular item that has been purchased by another user, for this project I used React, MongoDb, Express and Node.js


Custom Website

Responsive Custom Website for a local business , for this project I used React, HTML , CSS , JavaScript(ES6)


My Portfolio site

This is the website you are currently viewing. For this project I've used HTML, JavaScript and CSS only.


Custom Portfolio site

Responsive custom built portfolio site for an Artist, to build this I used HTML, CSS , JavaScript and BootStrap.